mental resiliAnce


About Mental resilience

Heather is certified as a Mental Resilience Trainer with Tough Cookie . Heather supports organisations to improve mental resilience in the workplace by training staff in ‘Mixed Mental Arts™’ – a toolkit of practical techniques to manage thoughts and emotions, supported by the latest research in psychology and neuroscience. Developing the mental resilience of staff is a vital component in preventing mental health problems in the workplace. Our techniques equip staff with the skills they need to cope with the challenges of modern life skillfully and sustainably.

We have found that, to have the best shot at behaviour change people need:

  • Actionable behaviours and practical techniques that can be realistically practiced and integrated

  • Evidence-based solutions that provide rational reasons to make behaviour changes.

  • A Journey over time, with a structure that creates multiple opportunities to observe & analyse behaviour

  • A peer support element built in, creating accountability, feedback and connection

  • Expert led, delivered by a professional with a lived experience of overcoming mental health problems.

  • A fun training environment that is warm & accessible, so people actually want to turn up

  • A flexible training format that fits a hectic schedule and can be engaged with remotely

Being passionate about spreading the skills and tools necessary for real, lasting behaviour change we have developed a training that includes all of these, equipping staff with the skills they need to cope with the challenges of modern life skilfully and sustainably.

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The team at Tough Cookie teach Mixed Mental Arts™ in organisations including Facebook, UCL, Sony and Greenpeace - recently being named ‘SME Business Champion for Wellness’ by Knowledgepool, Europe’s leading provider of Corporate Learning & Development, as part of its ‘Genius Suppliers’ programme.

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