“If we always chose comfort,
we never learn the deepest capabilities
of our mind and body
— Wim Hof


my name is Heather

i’m the founder of caluna wellness

I’m going to tell you my story…. so grab a cuppa. 

I worked in technology for nearly ten years….I loved my job. I was ambitious and had my eyes on taking my bosses’ bosses’ bosses’ bosses’ job .But I started to get sick all the time. Desperate to prove myself, I just kept working. I ignored my body's whispers. Until eventually ...it started to scream.

So I  made a life changing decision. I booked an expedition to Poland,  in January, in -18  degrees, to climb a mountain… in my underpants!  Mt Sněžka became my mirror and it gave me  my first opportunity to look within, and...I was a mess. 

 So I quit my job and went on a quest to learn embodied practices and  resilience skills.  Three years on and...here we are.

I am now a certified Level 3 Advanced Wim Hof Method Instructor, I teach workshops, retreats and hold expeditions all over the world, and mentor the new generation of WHM instructors in the WHM Academy. I also work as a Mental Resilience Trainer,  Somatic Yoga teacher,  Holistic Breathwork Practitioner and Nutritional Health Coach. I have the privilege of being aligned with my mission. And at a time like this, I know how lucky I am to have learned these skills. It’s my joy to share these practices with people who need them, and it’s an honour to work with people from all walks of life.

I hope to work with you in one of my retreats, classes, events or one to one sessions soon.

Much love, Hx

my practices




Every body is a yoga body. Whether you are new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, Heather’s classes have something for everyone. You leave every class feeling calm, yet revitalised and energised for the day ahead. She teaches online and in person at various studios.

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Mental resiliAnce


Heather is certified as a Mental Resilience Trainer with Tough Cookie .  Heather supports organisations to improve mental resilience in the workplace by training staff in ‘Mixed Mental Arts™’ – a toolkit of practical techniques to manage thoughts and emotions, supported by the latest research in psychology and neuroscience. 

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wim hof methoD


Heather is a certified Level 3 Advanced Wim Hof Method Instructor. You can find her traveling across Europe, the US and Kenya running retreats and offering workshops, private sessions, and events at festivals. She now teaches online, in groups and privately.

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integrative nutrition


Heather is a certified Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative nutrition. She is passionate about working with people one to one on their health and she is passionate about nutritious and delicious food! She runs workshops and events online and in person as well as six month coaching programmes

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Heather is a holistic breathwork practitioner. She is unique in having a wide range of training in breathwork practices, several years teaching experience to share and personal experience in using breathwork for a wide range of applications.

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All upcoming events and retreats…

Click on the event you are interested in to see full details and how to book.

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